Facing my Errors

 I learned a lot in the third quarterspecifically on how to use HTML and CSS. I learned how to make a  basic proper web page structure on HTML and style it with the help of CSS. We made the webpage look greatFor this, it was very important that I should be able to make a simple layouts and decide colors and other design elementsI was able to apply all of this in the future.

However, I faced several challenges, such as aligning elements properly, making my design responsive, and troubleshooting errors in my code. At times, it was frustrating when the layout didn’t appear as expected. To overcome these difficulties, I practiced regularly, watched tutorials, and sought help from my teacher and classmates. By staying patient and making small improvements, I was able to build better web pages and gain confidence in my skills.

Moving forward, I will continue to improve my web development skills by exploring more techniques and practicing regularly. I will also stay updated with basic web design trends. By staying dedicated and continuously learning.


  1. It was nice reading you're post, I hope you'll keep learning more about coding

  2. You're good at facing errors. more errors to come!!!

  3. Good that you've learned a lot bro, it seems that you're studying very well. Keep up your good work.

  4. Great learning! Keep it up men!

  5. A great notion on how to learn! Keeping on broadening your knowlegde when facing adversities, great job!


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